Manifesting Mini-Series by Ann Albers and the Angels
Part 2

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color chart has recently developed beautiful tools to enhance your own personal color therapy. TouchStones are created by hand with layers of colored glass and a variety of dichroic glasses fused together. The size of each TouchStone is approximately 1 1/2 by 3/4 inches, making them easy to carry, wear as jewelry, hold during meditations, or enhance your color readings or therapy sessions. They are available in the Shops NOW!


For those of you following this series, have you made your lists of why you CAN't have what you want in life? Its time to work with these limiting beliefs! I call them limiting beliefs because you may not CONSCIOUSLY believe anything you wrote down and yet something in you does hold this to be true. When you were a small child (or perhaps in past lives if you believe in this) experience was your teacher. You learned what was SAFE and what was not. You learned when you would be supported and when you would not. Many of you learned you had to "earn" love. These things got programmed very deeply in your subconscious mind which is like your computer's operating system. Doesn't matter how fancy your current programs are if they can't run on the old operating system!

So, look at this list. Here are some of the top limiting beliefs that I've heard in my classes and seminars when I asked people to fill in the blank after, "I can't have what I want because . . . "

I don't have enough money.
I don't have enough time.
I don't know how to get it/get there.
My spouse/child/friends/<etc?> are in the way.
My spouse/child/friends/<etc?> take all my energy/money/time.
My body won't cooperate.
I don't really need it.
I don't really feel like doing it now.
I have so many other priorities.
I can't quit my job.

Ok! If you found a few of your limiting beliefs (LBs) on this list don't despair! You're normal! How many of you got programmed with these messages:

You have to earn your way in the world.
You only have so much time. Life is short.
Well figure it out. You're not stupid.
Sometimes you have to put your needs aside
You can't do anything unless you are (thin, tall, pretty, whatever).
Pay your dues.
No pain no gain.
You don't really need that.
There are starving people in ....
Hurry up and do it now!
Finish your homework before you can play.
Be responsible.
Stop daydreaming.

You get the idea. Everything that goes in your mind programs your operating system. So now its up to you to give yourself an upgrade!

Write down TEN beliefs that you'd rather have running your life than the ones stuck in your subconscious mind. Here are a few powerful favorites of mine:

I am worthy of all I desire.
God can figure out the finances.
God can make this fit in my schedule.
I can attract people who are supportive.
God can figure out how to make this happen and let me know.
I am a radiant soul and my body mirrors that .
I receive! I receive! I receive!
Bring it on! I'm ready!

You get the idea. Come up with TEN beliefs that YOU WANT to run your life. Pick the ONE that seems most powerful to you and repeat it like a mantra all week. You can do this with more than one but pick at least one. Sing
it. Repeat it. Meditate on it. Post it on your fridge. Bombard your senses with the new belief. And remember, you OWN the computer of your own mind and subconscious now. Unlike the days when you were a young child, no one else can program you unless you let them! Its time for an upgrade dear friends. Perhaps you could call it WINDOWS to heaven!

Have a great week!

It is best to wait a week before visiting:

Manifesting MiniSeries Part 3

Manifesting MiniSeries Part 4

Manifesting MiniSeries Part 5

Manifesting MiniSeries Part 6

Manifesting MiniSeries Part 7

Manifesting MiniSeries Part 8

Email Ann Albers

Please visit Ann's Page in Prosperity

P.O. Box 18304
Louisville KY 40261
(502) 454-4967
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