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by Poochie Myers

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Aurora Center
The Aurora Center offers classes and workshops in meditation and spiritual development, and on-going meditation circles and support groups that empower you to be the best you can be.

Ann Albers
provides a FREE 8-part Manifesting Mini-Series to get what you want. This was previously preseneted in her emailed newsletters presented in 8 weeks.

Eddie Coronado
is a prosperity teacher, workshop leader, and author of many magazine articles about manifesting money. Eddie is also the Prosperity Forum Leader. Join him in discussion about utilizing Universal Law in your life.

Holly Hogue, Rick Hogue and Poochie Myers
wrote Prosperity Or Better Times Ten! -- a seminar in a paperback which steps the reader through manifesting what he or she wants. Holly and Rick are co-owners of a thriving web hosting and development company, Intent.Net. Poochie is a multi-talented artist and has been teaching people to live more fruitfully for many years. Holly, Rick and Poochie are teachers, ministers, motivators, web site designers, RoHun therapists and they conduct prosperity workshops internationally. For seminars in your City, email or call 502-454-4967 EST.

Poochie Myers
Qualified in Humanistic Parapsychology, Hypnotherapy, Rebirthing, Reiki, Psychic Art, Firewalking, Mediumship and a Minister, Poochie will come to your City to teach! Browse through her Classes for Growth in the Circles of Possibilities and you'll be able to put together a spectacular workshop. As a RoHun Doctor, Poochie is fully accredited to bring RoHun therapy classes to your City. She instructed many classes at Delphi University including Mediumship, Instructor's Training, and RoHun classes.

Check out the Centers Section of Prosperity also for other workshops and classes.

Click on any lesson number:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Also Painting Tutorials:
Winter Coming
and The Autumn Farm

Prosperity Or Better Times Ten!
by Holly Hogue, Rick Hogue and Poochie Myers

How To Attract Money
When you answer the
questions in this book,
make the lists and perform
the activities,
you will soon find yourself
getting what you ask for,
or better times ten!

P.O. Box 18304
Louisville KY 40261
(502) 454-4967
Purchases made using the following links help pay for the many free things to do in Prosperity:
Prosperity Shops and 46 percent off Bestsellers at BAMM.COM
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