Discovering the Best in You:
A Time for Togetherness

by Anne Gaylor

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Isn't it exciting that we're living longer than previous generations? We now have so many opportunities to grow closer as couples, rather than drifting apart. Through the years, many of our activities have become nothing more than habit As couples, we each had our own activities, only coming together for meals, family gatherings, social events, vacations, and to make decisions. The children have long since established their own lives. We may have lost touch with close friends and relatives, or they may have passed on. What better time to refresh our relationships with our partners and try new adventures. Opportunities for meaningful pursuits have never been better.

For example, four years ago my husband, George, reluctantly agreed to our going away alone for the holidays - now he can't wait to plan the next trip. He (and I) enjoy being free from many of the holiday stresses.

For most of us, exercise is boring. Join a health club with your spouse and a group of your friends, or join a walking group. And don't we sometimes envy and admire all those Seniors traveling the highways in motor homes? Yet we wonder if we can endure that much togetherness or handle the expense.

If you're not sure but you'd like to find out, why not try leasing a motor home for a month? You might actually find that way of life cozy and pleasurable (rather than crowded). If you do, go home, sell out and invest in your 'home on wheels.' (Don't pay attention to what other people say. It's your life!) If you like the adventure but you don't think you're up to it full time, just lease or purchase your own motorhome when you want to be on the road for awhile. (Compare the costs carefully - it may be less expensive to buy one, especially if you love to travel.)

There are also great Senior organizations in the San Antonio area designed to meet your interests and needs. A couple of groups I recommend are OASIS and the Elderhostel programs. OASIS (Older Adults Services and Information Systems) is a nonprofit organization offering a variety of educational, cultural and health programs. People 55 and over are given the opportunity to enrich their lives by renewing past interests and learning new skills and talents. There's no membership fee. This enables you to participate in classes, lectures and special events. For more information, call (210) 647-2546 between 10am-3pm, Monday-Friday, and ask about their Inner Generational tutoring program. For a more tar-flung and educational adventure, check into the Elderhostel program. This is a nonprofit educational organization offering inexpensive, short-term academic programs hosted by educational institutions around the world. Anyone 55 or older is eligible. Subjects you can study are limited only by your imagination. Most programs run 5 or 6 nights, with accommodations on location, and you'll meet people from everywhere....

Some of the best ways to renew togetherness is with your grandchildren. (If your grandchildren don't live nearby, consider "adopting" someone else's who may not be in contact with their own grandparents.) But no matter how you do it, remember that the joy, wonder and innocence of children is infectious. You'll love visiting the zoo again, shopping in stores created for kids, eating at fun places. You'll enjoy museums, theme parks and many other activities geared toward children in a way you haven't in years. These activities will renew your spirit. Grandparent-and-grandchildren tours, trips and cruises have become popular. Check them out.

Yes, it's easy to crawl out of bed each day muttering that old age is not for sissies and that the "Golden Years" are tarnished, but some of our richest and most rewarding years can be now. Go For It!

Article written for Ageless Times of San Antonio, Texas, USA, March-April, 1998, page 10.
For more information on Anne Gaylor's Special Programs, click here to see her pages in Prosperity.

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