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by Poochie Myers

If your best friend comes running into you and says, "I've just met the love of my life!" what are you going to say? Will you say, "Huh?" or possibly, "I'm very happy for you," or just stand there with your teeth in your mouth. That's right — there is no answer for that statement. If your friend has stated, "love of my life," well what else is there to say? You'll just have to love through this romance just like all the rest of their love affairs. And someday your friend will really mean it — maybe?

We usually fall in love at an early age — and for all the "right reasons," of course, like — "He's such a hunk." or "She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." It can even be, "He is so strong!" or "She has a beautiful figure." Heaven help these people in a few years. Gravity is always at work including on the most beautiful figure or the strongest.

Muscles sag and our love wanes. Well somebody has to carry out the garbage and do the dishes. Do I sound like a cynic? Just look at the divorce statistics.

Now if your friend comes running into you and says, "Let's go to lunch," and you go and the conversation is something like this: They say, "What have you been doing?" You reply appropriately. Then lunch is ordered, received and eaten. Then perhaps your friend says, "I have just met somebody I enjoy being with, they like a lot of the same things I like, I'd love for them to meet you." Can you see the difference? This romance has a chance!

What's the difference between love and unconditional love? Every marriage contract is just that - a contract! If you promise "to love them as long as they act right" that's okay but spell out the "what's right" part in the written contract because what's "right" for you may not be the same for your partner. The law of physics is always in play — no two people have the same viewpoint. Unconditional love is just that — unconditional.

Unconditional means: I will love you even if you have different opinions than me; even if you never think to carry out the garbage until I ask you. . . . Unconditional means that the person you love doesn't have to perform, be strong, be beautiful, or do anything or change in any way. You love them just as they are now. This reflects on how you feel about yourself. You cannot have unconditional love for another until you have a clear unconditional love for yourself.

My dog gives me unconditional love. . . Always happy to see me. . . Always stays by my side no matter what. (Well, after they have run after another dog or bird and come back.)

Love Yourself

You cannot love any other person more than to the extent you love yourself.

What does it mean to love your self?

Does it mean to indulge in all your desires? In a way - yes! Doesn't this sound like egotism? Or Narcissism?

Most of us give all our love to everyone else. If we don't feel it then we want someone to feel it! So we give all we can to everyone we meet. However this is hollow. We just can't give away something we don't feel ourselves.

Think about your day. You wake up, feed the dog, brush your teeth, shower, dress, and then do you either call someone or go out the door to work with others. Possibly you stay home and work by yourself, but what kind of work? Do you work at something you love or do you work at something to make money. What is the motivation?

Motivation is the key word to understand if you are doing because you love yourself or are you doing for attention, love, money, survival, etc.?

People who decide when they are young what occupation they want to pursue are motivated in a focused way. But again, what is the motivation? Did you decide this occupation because your family has the same occupation? Did you decide this because of prestige? What about the motivation of saving people or having power or making lots of money?

Time investment can be a factor that keeps us in an occupation or relationship we no longer want. This can't be love can it? If we love ourselves and everyone around us we would never worry about time investment. Loving ourself can mean always being free to change. Worrying about all the time we have invested in anything or any relationship would mean that we are living in the past, wouldn't it?

Living in the past has nothing to do with loving yourself. If you love yourself you will enjoy all the talents and abilities and knowledge you have attained up to this point in your life and feel free to use all of these assets in a creative way appropriate to the moment.

Appropriate to the moment does mean now. If a father has 3 children, a wife, job, cars, etc. but all of a sudden he decides he wants to ditch all this and take to the high seas this could be self love and it could be appropriate to the moment. But along with self love comes self respect. Can a person respect himself if he abandons his obligations?

All our relationships are mirrors of ourselves. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What do I think about myself?
  • What do I really think about myself?
  • I know what I think about myself but what do I think about my best friend?
  • Do they act the same way as they did when I met them?
  • Do I act the same way as I always did?
  • What would I like to change about them?
  • What would I like to change about me?
  • Would I change if they asked me to change?
  • Would they change anything for me?
  • In 5 years from now what do I expect our relationship to be?

Boundaries - My space/Your space

What's a boundary? A boundary can be, "This is my desk, don't touch anything on my desk." or "I have a right to go out with my friends whenever I want and for as long as I want."

People in Europe or Sweden have a reputation here in the United States. We think they all have no boundaries because they all go into the bathrooms together and walk around in various stages of undress without a thought. They probably call this "natural." Boundaries are like everything else, different for different people and every relationship has it's own set of rules.

Think about your own boundaries. Does anything or anyone bother you for any reason? If you say, "No," then ask yourself again.

  • What boundaries do I have?
  • What's the worst way you can overstep my boundary?
  • What way would I never intrude in anybody else's life?
  • What embarrasses me the most?
  • When do I just hate myself if I do what action to another person?
Control and Helplessness — Forgive Exercise

"Who me? — I don't need to control! I only want to control myself! I never want to control you." These are all statements of a control freak! Perhaps I am being unkind.

What is control? A way to stop the helpless feeling. "If I have control in my like I have all aspects of my life working just the way I want it to work. If I have no control in my life I am helpless. Helplessness is something I never want to experience."

If I am in control then I actually am helpless. They are one and the same experience. If I can control my mate then I will know exactly where they are and what they are doing at all times.

I can't think of anything worse than always knowing what or how your friends will react and act in every situation. Yet this seems to be the goal of every teen and young person and older married people too. Do you know who I mean? Have you observed this trait in your friends? Do they try to control you?

If your parents tried to control you when you were young — were you always trying to get your own way? Is this a form of control?

Everybody in your life tries to control you and everybody else in one small way or another.

The book, "the Celestine Prophesy" has described control factors in the following way: Aloofness, Interrogation, Intimidation, Poor Me. These classifications say it all. How often we have tried to talk to a friend, parent, etc. just to have them keep reading the paper or whatever. Some people just wont talk no matter what we say or do. This is controlling us with aloofness. Remember when you were little and you came home late and your father or mother, or both met you at the door with a million questions? "Where were you? Why are you late? Who were you with?" All these are harsh questions and they are intimidating too!

My favorite control category is: Poor Me. Just imagine you missed your bus, tore a hole in your suit getting a taxi, spent your last dime on transportation, are late for work, dropped your important papers in the water on the way into your office, the phone is not working today, a friend came over last night and bored you till 2 am and you missed a lot of sleep, etc., etc......

I have to say we even control with Poor Me when a friend dies and we feel so sad and people give us sympathy and we agree, "It's so sad." How is this control? It is right and natural to feel sad when we lose a friend, but after a few minutes what are we really feeling? We are feeling, "I'm glad it was not me." "How will I live without this person in my life?" "Who will take care of me now?" Can you understand what we are doing now? We are projecting onto the person or situation - what if it was me?

If we are having a difficult time with anyone in our life, is it because we cannot control them or we cannot control ourselves and our actions around them?

Try this exercise the next time you are having a problem with anyone else in your life:
Shut your eyes.
Think of the person you have a problem with or don't like or don't understand. See them standing in front of you.
Look at them and feel what it is that you don't understand or like about them.
Now, magically step into their body and look through their eyes and see yourself standing there judging them. How does that feel?
Now let yourself come back out of their body and back into your own body. Look at them through your own eyes. Do you still feel the same about them? Are you judging them? Open your heart and send them some love.

Which is stronger judgement or love?

Visit Poochie's Classes for Growth in the Circles of Possibilities to have a seminar or workshop in your area and visit Poochie's Bio Page in Prosperity to see her areas of expertise.

P.O. Box 18304
Louisville KY 40261
(502) 454-4967
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